Laboratory equipment and devices
Atomic adsorption spectrometers AAnalyst 200 set new standards in the field of elemental composition analysis. These are the first serial devices with a real two-beam Echele — optical system. AAnalyst 200, which has a built-in control system with a graphical interface and a touch screen, radically changes the idea of the method of atomic absorption with flame atomization. Never before has this been so simple and didn’t have the same opportunities.
Lambda 25 series spectrophotometer is a two-beam UV/View scanning spectrophotometer for routine and automatic measurements. This device is designed for various industrial, educational, biological and biochemical laboratories and environmental control laboratories. It is characterized by high stability, flexibility in the choice of methods of analysis, ease of presentation and processing of the data.
Filter fluorimeter «FLUORATE-02-2M» is used in routine measurements of objects for which the spectral characteristics of luminescence are pre-established.
The fluid analyzer luminescence-photometric «Fluorat-02-5M»,designed for measuring the concentration of components in liquid medium photometric and luminescent methods.
Selection of light streams is carried out by specially selected filters. As a light source, a pulsed xenon high-pressure lamp is used, providing sufficient light flows in the entire spectral range of optical methods – from hard ultraviolet to the red border of visible light.
Analytical scales SHIMADZU AY/AX/AW manufactured by the Japanese company SHIMADZU corporation are designed to measure the mass of samples when working in research, medical and manufacturing laboratories, as well as in other areas, glee has a need for high accuracy of measurement.
The gas analyzer DAG-510-CF – portable instrument designed to control the content of pollutants in exhaust gases from stationary and mobile sources of industrial emissions for environmental control and optimization of combustion process, and also to measure the following components:
Content of oxygen, carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide in waste gases fuel combustion plants;
Measure the temperature in the sampling point and the ambient temperature;
Measurements of absolute pressure, pressure difference 001-96, SanPiN 2.1.21002-00, GN 2.1.8./
UMF-2000 alpha-beta radiometer for measuring small activities.
Table radiometer with silicon detector for measurement of small activity, widely used as alpha–, beta – radiometry. It is recommended to measure the total alpha-beta activity of natural and drinking water.
Appointment –
- measurement of the total activity of alpha-emitting nuclides in «thick» and «thin» counting samples from samples of environmental objects, the activity of nuclides in samples obtained after selective radiochemical extraction;
VE-meter-at-003 device for measuring electromagnetic fields.
It is a measurement tool for the certification of workplaces of computer operators in accordance with SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.21340-03 and for certification of video terminals (VDT) according to MPR and TCO 92/95 standard. It can also be used to control the norms on the levels of electromagnetic fields of industrial frequency in residential and office buildings and residential areas in accordance with Msanpin 001-96, Sanpin1002-00, GN 2.1.8/ ahhh! Measurements of electromagnetic fields are made in three frequency ranges: at the industrial frequency of 50 Hz and in the typical VDT radiation ranges I : from 5 Hz to 2 kHz and II: from 2 kHz to 400 kHz.
Measuring the parameters of microclimate METEOSHOP is designed for measurement of temperature, relative humidity, pressure, speed of air movement in the hygienic evaluation of the microclimate for all types of industrial and residential premises.
The meter allows for the certification of workplaces in industrial enterprises, offices and public institutions, as well as control of ventilation and air conditioning systems at industrial facilities.
Measuring the parameters of microclimate in «Meteosat» belongs to a generation of new devices that features mobility and versatility. It is a portable device with stationary capabilities. The device is specialized for complex ecological monitoring of the environment in residential and industrial premises.
Pulse meter-luxmeter TKA-PCM (08) is designed to measure the ripple factor in % and illumination in the LC, formed by natural and artificial light, the source of which is located arbitrarily from the photometric sensor (PD) device.
Among the indicators of the quality of the light environment occupies a special place ripple illumination. It is known that fluctuations in illumination with a frequency of 100 Hz, exceeding the critical frequency of fusion of light flickers, are not visually perceived, but the negative impact of light ripple on the bioelectric activity of the brain is confirmed by numerous studies. An increase in the negative effect of light oscillations on the human body with an increase in the depth of light pulsation with a change in the time of the light flux is also established.
Noise and vibration analyzer ASSISTANT – a device specially designed for easy measurement for sanitary control and certification of workplaces for vibration and acoustic factors.
Sound, SN 2.2.4/ «Noise in the workplace, in the premises of residential, public buildings and on the territory of residential development.» Infrasound, SN 2.2.4/ «Infrasound in the workplace, in residential and public areas and in residential areas» Ultrasound, SanPiN 2.2.4/ «Hygienic requirements when working with sources of air and contact ultrasound for industrial, medical and domestic purposes.» Total vibration 3 channels, SN 2.2.4/ «Industrial vibration, vibration in the premises of residential and public buildings.» Local vibration 3 channels, SN 2.2.4/ «Industrial vibration in the premises of residential and public buildings.» Certification of workplaces on vibro-acoustic factor. P2.2.2006-05 Guidelines for hygienic assessment of working environment and work process factors.
All frequency corrections for acoustics (A, C, Z, G) and vibration (Wh, Wd, Wb, Wk, Wm, Wc, We, Wj, Bh, Bw, Bwm) are in compliance with the latest standards. For vibration are also available «old» correction of the existing SN 2.2.4/ ahhh!
All time characteristics (current, equivalent, peak, maximum and minimum levels) for each correction; octave (1Hz – 31.5 kHz) and third octave (0.8 Hz – 40 kHz) spectra. Static level distributions with calculation of fixed (L1, L10, L75, L90, L99) and arbitrary percentiles, (optional). The ASSISTANT provides all types of measurements prescribed for the control of acoustic and vibration factors by applicable regulations.
Dosimeter-radiometer alpha-beta — gamma radiation ISS-1117 (EL-1117) – wearable, designed to measure the power of ambient dose equivalent H(10), exposure dose rate, the absorbed dose of gamma radiation in the air, contamination of surfaces with radioactive substances.
Composition: alpha, beta, gamma radiation detection units; information processing unit; power supply and charging unit; collimator; gamma source control; extension rod for detection units.
Energy range, MeV:
- gamma radiation 0.04-3
- beta radiation 0,225-3,5
- alpha radiation 4-7
Dose rate measurement range:
- exposure, MD/h 2,5-99990
- ambient equivalent, µz/h 0,025-999,9
- absorbed, µg/h 0,025-999,9
Measurement range of flux density
Surface min-1хсм-2
- beta particles 1-99990
- alpha particles 0.1-99990
Main OTN. Measurement error, %
-dose rate ±15
-flux density :
- in the first decade of the range ±50
- in the following decades ±20
The range of measurement of activity
From surface, Bq/cm2, contaminated
-90Sr+90Y (po90sg) 0.050-9999
-239Pu 0.003-3000
Temperature range, OS -10,,,+40
Dimensions, mm: Weight, kg
- gamma radiation detection unit Ø54-281 0,6
- beta-radiation detection unit Ø80×29 0,7
- the detection unit of alpha radiation Ø80х295 0,7
- unit information processing 200х210х90 1,9
- power supply and charging 100х60х64 0,4
- lead collimator with 0.9 Ø61х112
- Instrument exploration scintillation PSA-88Н is designed for indirect measurements of the radioactivity of rocks and ores on the photon radiation in radiometric survey and the logging of wells and bore-holes. In the presence of appropriate techniques, the device can be used as a radiometer to monitor the external environment. The output of the readings is carried out by a 4-digit digital liquid crystal display and a dial gauge.
Technical parameters
The range of flow measurement of photon radiation, s ^ -1 0 to 3, 10^4
The initial energy threshold of registration, Kev 20
Limits of error, % ±10
Limits of additional error in the measurement of temperature at 10°C, % ±1 Nonlinearity of the calibration characteristics, not more than, % ±5
Battery power
Work resources, h 100
Operating temperature, °C -20 to +50
The wide-range dosimeter of x-ray and gamma radiation DKS-at 1123 is intended for:
- control of radiation situation and operation of nuclear power, radioisotope and x-ray installations of continuous, short-term and pulse action in scientific research, medicine, industry and other fields;
- monitoring of the state of protection of gamma and x-ray installations of continuous, short-term and pulse action;
- radiation control of inspection and inspection accelerator complexes generating pulsed brake radiation;
- detection, localization and dosimetry of x-ray gamma radiation sources;
- radiation monitoring of the environment, territories and facilities.
- Dosimeter DRG-01T1 DRG-01T1 dosimeter is a portable device designed to measure the equivalent dose rate (der) of photon (gamma) radiation, as well as the power of x-rays, as well as the power of x-rays in the workplace, in adjacent premises and on the territory of enterprises using radioactive substances and other sources of ionizing radiation, in the sanitary protection zone and the observation zone.
Scope: for operational group control of the equivalent dose rate of the environment and exposure dose rate by employees of radiation safety services, flaw detection laboratories, sanitary and epidemiological stations, in the structures of the Ministry of emergency situations, MO and the State Customs Service, to monitor the effectiveness of biological protection, radiation waste, as well as the population for self-assessment of the radiation situation.
Dosimeter RM1203, designed to assess the power of the ambient dose equivalent of gamma radiation population in the home (food, building materials, soil, etc.), and can also be used by personnel working with sources of ionizing radiation.
Gamma-beta-spectrometric complex.
Progress BG is designed:
-for field or laboratory measurements of gamma -, beta-emitting radionuclides activity, beta-contamination;
-certification of products on the basis of radiation;
-determination of the content of gamma -, beta-emitting radio-nuclides in food, soil samples, timber and other objects of the environment;
-measurements of the in vivo content of gamma-emitting radionuclides in the human or animal body (optional);
-search for gamma radiation sources (optional).
Control of electrical and radiation characteristics and medical x-ray machines in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN.
«Unfors Xi» Universal x-ray dosimeter – a new generation device for monitoring the electrical and radiation characteristics of medical x-ray machines. The device fully meets the requirements for equipment to control the operating parameters required by the regulations in force in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
«Unfors Xi» — the only device of this class included in the state register of SI RK, is an indispensable tool for organizations involved in the operation and maintenance of medical equipment, as well as for organizations exercising control over the operation of this equipment.
Dosimeters versatile control characteristics of the x-ray Piranha intended for measuring air Kerma; the power of air Kerma; the anode voltage x-ray tube; the exposure time; number of pulses; anodic current; the works of the anode current exposure time; layer half of weakening (str); brightness and illumination.
Piranha can be used to determine: the waveforms of anode voltage, anode current and Kerma power in air; pulse frequency; pulse duration; Kerma in air and Kerma power in air per pulse; total filtration; dose profile for computed tomography (CT); half-height dose profile width (FWHM); kt dose indices; dose-to-length products (DLP); the index of dispersion for CT.Piranha are used to monitor the parameters and technical condition of medical x-ray equipment during production, commissioning and operation.
The compression meter is used to measure the compression force (compression) in manual and automatic modes of a specific mammographic x-ray machine.
Quality control of this parameter of mammographic x-ray diagnostic systems is important for obtaining a reliable image during the diagnostic study. Mammograph breast compressor minimizes patient mobility, reduces the possibility of scattered radiation, increases image contrast and reduces radiation load on the breast by reducing the overall thickness of breast tissue.
A dynamometer is used to measure the compression force in the compression meter. The maximum compression force will be displayed until the reset button is pressed (it returns the arrow to “0”).
The test object of the radial circular TLK-01/04 is designed for star-shaped radiographs of the focal spot, the focal spot, allowing to set the limit of the resolution of the star-shaped worlds and the degree of blurring of the image of the focal spots. If necessary, the size of the effective focal spot of the x-ray machine can be determined by a star-shaped radiograph. Obtaining star-shaped x-rays of the focal spot is standardized in GOST IEC 60336-99, since these x-rays can be used to assess the image quality of the system under operating conditions by setting the resolution limit for the star-shaped world under the same conditions.
TLC is an acrylic plate with a star-shaped test object, which is a test myrrh. The world consists of successive wedges with strong and weak x-ray absorption. The strongly absorbing wedges are made of lead foil 0.03 or 0.05 mm thick.
The Unilight S sensitometer is a small and compact x-ray film exposure device with a standard 21-step wedge ( 1 stage corresponds to the density of the base plus veil = Dmin) with high accuracy and reproducibility.
Sensitometer Unilight S has the following features:
one switch changes sensitometer light source for Korchnoi work with sinecosine or selenocysteine x-ray film;
high-precision aspect ratio and 21-step density (step by step from D 0.15 to 3.0);
does not require time to set the operating mode.
The densitometer Unilight D is a universal compact device for measuring the optical density of x-ray films and includes:
the upper module with the transmitter and LCD display to display results ismini and messages about the operation of the densitometer;
lower unit with eat measurements Centeraudit crosshair and control panel densitometer;
Set of dental phantoms Pro — Dent Set is used during acceptance tests, tests for constancy of parameters and current control of constancy of radiation characteristics of all types of dental x-ray diagnostic devices (RDA): digital, film, intraoral, cephalometric, panoramic during their operation.
The set of phantoms Pro-Dent Set is intended for the organizations which are engaged in maintenance of the medical x-ray equipment, and also for the organizations which are carrying out operation or control of operation of this equipment.
The set of phantoms Pro-Dent Set fully meet the requirements of Annex 10 SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the device and operation of x-ray rooms, devices and x-ray examinations”, GOST RMEK 61223-3-4-2001 and GOST R IEC 61223-2-7-2001.
A set of phantoms Pro-Dent Set is used to determine:
the constancy of the absorbed dose;
beam alignment of the x-ray tube axis;
diameter of the beam at the output of the x-ray tube;
spatial resolution;
low contrast resolution;
constants of quality of x-ray photoprocess.
The combined phantom for computer tomography ARM CT Performance Phantom Ref. 610 serial number 610-U-4100-3 is designed to measure and evaluate the operational parameters of computer tomographs. Phantom is a modular design. Periodic and current control characteristics of CT scanners: noise; low contrast sensitivity; accuracy of positioning; the increase of rigidity of beam; thickness of layer; spatial resolution; dependence on size; the absorbed dose (with TLD); linearity of the CT index and its cross-section uniformity according to GOST R IEC 61223-2-6-2001 p. 5.1, 5.2. 5.3.
simple control system of the main parameters of computer tomographs;
all phantom components are mounted in a compact, transparent container;
possibility of modeling the beam stiffness increase by bone tissue;
the container has containers of various sizes that can be filled with dextrose solution to form low-contrast test objects;
built-in test objects of different density;
the possibility of placing inside the phantom TLD dosimeters.
Phantom mammographic special is designed to control the image quality of mammographic x-ray machines. FMX is applicable to both laboratory inspection of mammography machines and monitoring systems in hospitals; used for screen and film mammograms, and xeroradiograph. FMCS allows you to check any mammographic system for the ability of early diagnosis of breast cancer. Test structures of FMCS have a range of sizes from those that should be visible on any device, to those that are difficult to detect on the best mammographic systems.
Main features of FMCS:
tissue-equivalent material FMCS simulates the attenuation of x-rays in a layer of 4.5 cm compressed breast, consisting of 50% fat and 50% glandular tissue;
test objects of different sizes, shapes and densities simulate hardening, fibrous duct seals and tumor-like masses;
FMX comes with a 30
multiple hand microscope;
it is possible to order FMKS of other thicknesses: 4, 5 or 6 cm;
it is possible to order FMKS with the required ratio of adipose and glandular tissue: from 20% (glandular)/ 80% (fat) to 70% (glandular)/ 30% (fat).
Ctdi composite CT-phantom is designed to simulate the body (head) of the patient in determining the tomographic dose index (CTDI) in accordance with MU «Control of effective doses of patients during medical x-ray examinations» and the subsequent calculation of the corresponding values of the dose to the length of the scan required in calculating the effective dose of the patient during the tomographic examination.
The properties of the phantom consists of three parts:
body phantom;
head phantom, which is both a children’s body phantom;
children’s head phantom;
all parts of the CT phantom are made of solid acrylic (polymethylmethacrylate) with a diameter of 320, 160 and 100 m, respectively;
each part of the CT phantom has four through holes for sensors, the holes are located through 90° in a circle and at a distance of 10 mm from the surface of the phantom. Children’s head phantom has an additional hole in the center;
the complete set of each part of the CT phantom includes rods to fill unused holes;
for transportation and storage of the CT phantom supplied with the case.
TUR-01 Universal set for image quality control of x-ray machines.
TUR-01 in the basic set consists of a tablet with a radiopaque pattern (grid, markers and inscribed circles), allowing you to control the geometric parameters of the x-ray field and the cylinder TP-250 with radiopaque mark to control the perpendicularity of the beam; and, optionally, can include a replaceable world of spatial resolution control, contrast sensitivity test, and aluminum filter thickness of 25 mm.
TOUR-01 is designed to conduct periodic and ongoing monitoring of geometric pokazateley diagnostic image in the x-ray apparatus in accordance with SanPiN :
field matches;
x-ray beam perpendicularity;
field size;
distortion of the image;
spatial resolution;
contrast sensitivity.