Training center

Training centre limited liability partnership «Aliya and Ko» (TC LLP «Aliya and Ko») is a structural unit. UTS LLP «Aliya and Ko» carries out preparation and retraining under the license permitted types of training. Activity. UTS is licensed as part of a Partnership. Kaslicense CHAPTER No. 12006354 17.07.2012 G. (Training of experts and personnel for activities associated with the use of nuclear energy).
Industrial safety certificate No. 0001718 of December 23, 2012 (training, retraining, advanced training of specialists in the field of industrial safety).
State license № 0156435 dated December 30, 2011 (for educational activities in the field of technical and vocational education).
State license № 0145754 dated June 4, 2010 (hygienic training of the population).
Order No. 457 of 26.07.2011 (training of drivers of vehicles carrying dangerous goods in international traffic and on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
UC carries out its activities in the interests of LLP «Aliya and Co» in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of LLP «Aliya and Co», with the requirements of relevant standards. The content of educational programs is developed on the basis of state standards and standard programs of training and retraining of specialists and is coordinated with the interested and authorized state bodies.
Training centre LLP «Aliya and Ko» consists of:

Fifteen spacious bright classrooms, corresponding to sanitary and epidemiological norms on physical parameters (illumination, noise, vibration, electromagnetic fields, microclimate) for 20 seats each. Classrooms are equipped with educational and methodical visual AIDS, posters, handouts of personal protective equipment, fire fighting equipment, first aid and other thematic material on the courses, audio-video equipment for watching educational films and videos.
Chemical laboratory with a total area of 50 square meters, equipped with the latest analytical equipment that meets the standards of Kazakhstan and the European Union:

- Atomic absorption spectrophotometer Analyst200
- Lambda25 Spectrophotometer The fluid analyzer «Fluorat 02-2m»
- Gas analyzer «GANK-4»
— Gas analyzer DAG-510MV

- Alpha-beta radiometer UMF-2000
- Microwave decomposition system MWS-2 Basik instrument
Workshop training center LLP «Aliya and Ko» has a total area of 100 square meters, equipped with 15 posts, for the certification of welders, in the presence of samples of welded seams and joints, and other visual AIDS.
For practical training at the Training Center LLP «Aliya and Co» there are contracts with companies providing their production facilities.
The training center of Aliya I Ko LLP has available the training ground with a total area of 0,7628 hectares located at the address: Aktobe, St. Sankibay-Batyr 12 «And».
Dining Training center LLP «Aliya and Co» has a total area of 50kV. meters and meets all sanitary standards and requirements.
Two conference rooms with 50 seats each, equipped with audio –video equipment for watching educational films and videos.
For training and organize trips to apprenticeship training center LLP «Aliya and Ko» has a transport.
Library of the training center LLP «Aliya and Ko» has more than 500 copies of the latest technical educational tools in the field of oil and gas industry, industrial safety and labor protection, methodical manuals, reference books, regulatory documents and legislative acts for oil and gas industry in the field of industrial safety and labor protection, periodic publications, which is constantly updated. Also in the training center of «Aliya & Co» LLP there is an electronic library and a library of video materials (all courses provide viewing of educational films).
The staff of the training center is a highly qualified medical worker with more than 20 years of experience in the field of medicine, there are also first aid equipment, equipped with medicines first aid kit. And also there is a contract with a Private Medical Institution «Densaulyk» for the provision of medical services.
Conducting training on radiation safety courses:
Radiation safety and protection in industry
Radiation safety and protection in medicine
Radiation monitoring, radiation monitoring equipment
The training of dosimetrists, radiometrists
Radiation safety and radiation monitoring (responsible for RB)
Radiation safety and radiation control (personnel of groups A and B at work with III)
Radiation safety and radiation monitoring (for geophysical company)
Kabataev Goat Myrzahanovich
Protocol No. 7 of the 26th of 2005 on awarding the degree of Candidate of medical Sciences.
Certificate №24 on advanced training under the section «occupational Health, EMF and other physical factors , dosimetry, radiometry»
Certificates №4171 on the course «Radiation safety and radiation control»
Vasina Maria Igorevna
Certificate №55/10 on the course «Radiation safety and radiation control»
Duisenov Kozhakhmet Esekeeva
Certificate №486 on the course «Radiation safety and radiation control»
Derevitskaya Lydia A.
Certificate No. 09542 of completion «Radiation control»
Certificate №4170 on the course «Radiation safety and radiation control»
Zasorin B. V.
Diploma in Aktobe state medical Institute №869551 on a speciality «Medical business», qualification «Doctor» Identity «4172 of completion.
Madyanov Zhanibek Salkanovic
Certificate №4173 on the course «Radiation safety and radiation control»
Driver training (ADR)
Transportation of dangerous goods by road.
Duisenov Kozhakhmet Esekeeva
Certificate A№2773 for the course «Transportation of dangerous goods» from 04.06.2010, the Center of science and training of the Kazakh Academy of transport and communications. M. Tynyshpaeva
Imangazin Marat Kydyrbaevich
Diploma №001024 from may 21, 2009 – associate Professor in the specialty «safety of Human activity»
Vasina Maria Igorevna
Certificate A№2774 on the course «Transportation of dangerous goods» from 04.06.2010 center of science and training of the Kazakh Academy of transport and communications. M. Tynyshpaeva
Conducting training in the field of labor protection
«Occupational safety and health at enterprises»
Imangazin Marat Kydyrbaevich
Diploma №001024 from may 21, 2009 – associate Professor in the specialty «safety of Human activity»
Vasina Maria Igorevna
Certificate No. 374/766
«Occupational safety and health at enterprises»
Badiarov Aslanbek Baimbetova
Certificate №260/534 «Safety and health at work»
Duisenov Ermek Erkebulanovich
Diploma in the course «life Safety and environmental protection»
Certificate No. АФ393/880 «Safety and labor protection in enterprises»
Hygienic training of the population on the topics:
-Sanitary-and-epidemiologic requirements to objects of public catering, cream and confectionery productions, children’s dairy kitchens
-Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for food industry organizations (for employees of catering facilities, catering units of all organizations; food industries, bases and warehouses for storage and sale of food products; food markets; persons whose activities are related to the transportation of food raw materials and food products);
-Sanitary and epidemiological requirements to objects of food trade (for workers of objects of food trade)
- Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for pre-school organizations, children’s sanatorium health organizations, children’s homes
- Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public utilities and consumer services (for employees of baths, showers, saunas, laundries, dry cleaners, hotels, motels, hostels, campsites, swimming pools, baths, mud baths, sports and recreation organizations, water facilities)
- Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services
- Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for food units of medical and preventive organizations
- Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for passenger train crews (for conductors and workers of passenger train crews)
Chichikov Birkin The Management —
teacher of hygienic training of the population. Experience of 4 years.
Certificate №858 «Organization of primary health care»
Certificate №25 «Topical issues of occupational health, EMF and other FF, radiometry, dosimetry»
Ismagulov Was Carigali Nurgalievich –
the teacher of hygienic training of the population in combination the leading expert in the field of medical and medical activity. Experience 26 years.
Kabataev Goat Myrzahanovich –
teacher of hygienic training of the population. Experience 29 years.
Certificate №24 «Topical issues of occupational health, other FFS, radiometry, dosimetry»
Zasorin B. V. –
teacher of hygienic training of the population. Experience 27 years.
Certificate №484 «Social medicine and health care organization »
Nurlybaev Issatay Nurlybaeva –
teacher of hygienic training of the population. Experience 50 years.
Conducting training in the field of industrial safety
«Heads of blasting operations»
«Heads of blasting operations for geophysical enterprises»
«Heads of blasting operations at open-pit mining»
«Explosive in open-pit mining»
«Warehouse Manager and distributor of explosive materials»
«Blasters on geophysical work (seismic exploration and perforating-explosive works in the wells)»
«Machinists lifts GRC system»
«Machinists geophysical rigs»
«Transport of dangerous goods (III) by road»
«Transport of dangerous goods (HM) by road»
«Control of explosion safety of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap» «Industrial safety» for specialists and managers of industrial enterprises»
«Occupational safety and health by industry»
«Peculiarities of working conditions at the fields and areas containing toxic gases (hydrogen sulfide)»
«training and learning the rules of working with hydrochloric kislotoi»
«Training of personnel for pressure vessels»
«Preparation and training in the Rules of construction and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines»
«Training of crane operators (drivers) of bridge, gantry and semi-gantry cranes»
«Training of crane operators (drivers) of shooting self-propelled (automobile, on the special chassis) and tower cranes»
«Training of drivers of lifts (towers)»
«Training of the driver of compressor units»
«The training and education of allied professions a desktop cradle»
«Training of electricians on service and repair of load-lifting cars and mechanisms»
«Training of the mechanic on repair of load-lifting cars»
«Training of the Adjuster of safety devices of load-lifting mechanisms»
«Training of the electrician on elevators»
«Elevator training»
«Training for a related profession slinger»
«Training of boiler plant operators»
«the training of welders of manual arc welding to be certified for the welding work in the manufacture, installation and repair of objects of gas GGTU supervision on lifting equipment»
«Training of gas cutters»
«Special training for manual oxy-fuel cutting torch operators for certification for the right to perform gas cutting operations in fabrication, installation and maintenance of facilities GGTN, gas supervision and lifting equipment»
«Training of laboratory technicians in physical and mechanical tests »
«Training of persons responsible for the proper functioning of pressure vessels»
«Training of persons responsible for the supervision of the technical operation of pressure vessels»
«Training of persons responsible for the maintenance of hoisting machines in good condition»
«Training of persons responsible for the safe operation of cranes»
«Training of persons responsible for supervision of safe operation of hoisting machines and lifts»
«Training of persons responsible for the maintenance of lifts (towers) in good condition»
«Training of the persons responsible for the organization of works on maintenance and repair of elevators, and the persons responsible for the organization of operation of elevators»
«Training of persons responsible for the proper condition and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines»
«Training of persons responsible for the proper condition and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers»
Nurlybaev Issatay Nurlanovich
Minutes of the meeting of the examination Committee of the Committee for state control of emergency situations and PB №48 to test the knowledge of teachers of industrial safety courses » Aliya I Ko»
Gulsum Baudiyarova The Kozhahmetovna
Minutes of the meeting of the examination Committee of the Committee for state control of emergency situations and PB №48 to test the knowledge of teachers of industrial safety courses » Aliya I Ko»
Imagesin Marat Sadyrbaevich
Minutes of the meeting of the examination Committee of the Committee for state control of emergency situations and PB №57 to test the knowledge of teachers of industrial safety courses » Aliya I Ko»
Koshkarbaev Sabyrbek Musabegovic
Minutes of the meeting of the examination Committee of the Committee for state control of emergency situations and PB №57 to test the knowledge of teachers of industrial safety courses » Aliya I Ko»
Ivanitsky, Vitaly Vladimirovich
Minutes of the meeting of the examination Committee of the Committee for state control of emergency situations and PB №57 to test the knowledge of teachers of industrial safety courses » Aliya I Ko»
Duisenov Kozhakhmet Esekeeva
Minutes of the meeting of the examination Committee of the Committee for state control of emergency situations and PB №48 to test the knowledge of teachers of industrial safety courses » Aliya I Ko»
Levitsky Vladimir Viktorovich
Minutes of the meeting of the examination Committee of the Committee for state control of emergency situations and PB №48 to test the knowledge of teachers of industrial safety courses » Aliya I Ko»
Yushin, Vladimir Mikhailovich
Minutes of the meeting of the examination Committee of the Committee for state control of emergency situations and PB №48 to test the knowledge of teachers of industrial safety courses » Aliya I Ko»
Kabataev Goat Myrzahanovich
Minutes of the meeting of the examination Committee of the Committee for state control of emergency situations and PB №48 to test the knowledge of teachers of industrial safety courses » Aliya I Ko»