Certification of workplaces
Aliya & co LLP carries out activities on certification of production facilities in accordance with the rules of certification of production facilities under working conditions, approved by the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 31, 2015. No. 185 , and also carries out production control of harmful factors of the working environment, the State license No. 0145754 of 14.06.2010 of Aliya I Ko LLP is brought in the List of the Specialized organizations and it is placed on the web-site www.enbek.gov.kz
The independent accredited testing laboratory of our company is arranged according to the principles meeting all requirements to modern laboratory rooms, fully equipped with normative and technical documentation and equipped with modern measuring devices for research and determination of the actual value of hazardous and harmful production factors, for the purpose of production control and certification of workplaces on working conditions.
The organizational and legal form of our company guarantees the absence of bias in the research and the independence of the results from the influence of both the customer and third parties. Thus, turning to our company for services, the customer can be sure that the measurement and evaluation will be carried out by an independent accredited laboratory, built on the principles of high-tech, professional organization. We are well aware of the social importance of our business and social responsibility for the results of our work.
Certification of production facilities on working conditions-activities for the evaluation of production facilities, shops, sites, workplaces in order to determine the state of safety, harmfulness, severity, intensity of work performed on them, occupational health and determine compliance with the conditions of the working environment standards in the field of safety and labor protection.
Certification is necessary to identify harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, assessment of working conditions in the workplace, the implementation of measures to bring them in line with the state regulatory requirements of labor protection.
Instrument base: analyzer noise and vibration «Assistant», measuring the parameters of microclimate in «Meteosat», the EMF meter VE-metr-at-003, electrostatic field meter ST-01, gas analyzer GANK-4, luxmeter TKA-PKM-08, UV-radiometer TKA-PKM-12.