Services in the field of nuclear energy
Currently, a significant environmental danger to humans is a changed under the influence of geological and anthropogenic factors natural background radiation areas. Therefore, when conducting radiological studies of various objects always, and especially today, much attention is paid to the inspection of buildings, industrial premises, public and residential purposes. The most important and controlled radiation hazards are: the equivalent dose rate (der) of gamma radiation; the volume activity of radon in the air of buildings and structures. LLP «Aliya and Ko» has its own accredited laboratory for radiation control, has a staff of highly qualified professionals radiologists and appropriate apparatus and equipment to address these time-consuming tasks.
-Radiation control of territories, premises, workplaces, goods, materials, scrap metal, vehicles;
-Determination of the content of radionuclides in products, materials, objects of the environment measurement of the concentration of radon and other radioactive gases;
-Gamma survey and other radiometric study areas;
-Individual dosimetric control of personnel;
-Quality control of devices, equipment, installations generating ionizing radiation.
LLP «Aliya and Ko» offers its services for conducting individual dosimetric control (IDC) all the organizations working with sources of radiation.
When carrying out IDK of personnel of your enterprise we are guided by 4 priorities.
Priority 1. Satisfaction of the customer’s requests and needs.
We offer high-quality measurement of individual radiation doses, carried out with the help of modern dosimetric thermoluminescent installation DVG-02 TM, which allows to obtain reliable and accurate results. The capacity of the plant allows to reduce the time of IDC up to 2 days without taking into account the shipment of dosimeters. Aliya & co LLP provides to the customer dosimeters of individual dosimetric control with gamma and neutron detectors.
Priority 2. Acceptable costs of the customer
The cost of the IDC is set individually on a contractual basis, based on the geographical distance of the customer organization, the terms of the contract for the IDC, the volume of individual dosimetric control, etc.
Priority 3. Convenience for the customer
After the conclusion of the contract for the IDC customer by mail or courier will be transferred to the individual dosimeters dosimetry control.
The customer will be required to perform 3 simple organizational measures: the issuance of dosimeters IDK staff; at the end of each quarter (3months.) – collection of dosimeters IDK; transfer collected dosimeters IVK LLP «Aliya and Co» by mail or courier.
Priority 4. Customer feedback
After the operational measurements, we will give the customer a Protocol of IDK, which will indicate the doses received during the control period by each employee who worked with And